Residential Reverse Osmosis (RO) Membrane Elements
Reverse Osmosis is the most effective and economical way to provide high quality drinking water. Reverse Osmosis is the process by which water molecules are forced by water pressure through a semipermeable membrane. Contaminants are rinsed to the drain while high quality filtered water is stored in a holding tank. Residential Reverse Osmosis Membrane Elements are designed for RO water purification systems rated from 9 -150 gallons per day, and are commonly used in homes, laboratories, hospitals and restaurants. Canadian Water Warehouse offers a broad selection of replacement membrane elements including: Filmtec, GE-Desal, Cuno-Water Factory, PuroTwist, Hydrotech, Culligan, Microline, Rainsoft and CSM.
3M Water Factory Residential RO Memberanes
CSM Residential RO Membranes
Filmtec Residential RO Membranes
Hydrotech Residential Reverse Osmosis Membranes
Microline Residential Reverse Osmosis Membrane
Nimbus Residential RO Membranes
PuroTwist Residential RO Membranes
Pentair Residential RO Membranes
Rainsoft Residential RO Membranes (Compatible)